The topics will vary from life, cycling, and simply overcoming in our daily journey. I believe we were are placed here to make a difference and leave this place better than it was before we got here. Often I view life as fairly simple but we can make it extremely tough on ourselves with the thoughts we allow inside our minds. I stirve daily to find as much joy and happiness as possible and try to avoid any and all negativity. Simply because it is not healthy and does not get us closer to our goals unless you are seeking sadness, angry, frustration, and hatred. I really do not know anyone aspring to be any of those things but I know people who allow those horrible things to slip into their lives. It can be a horrible thing and you will wake up one day filled with so much angry and not understand how did it get here. We must be very in tune with what, and who we allow in and around our lives. Our environment plays a huge role in who we become and how our lives are shaped. Continue to pursue happines with every fiber in your awesome body and I promise you that is who you will become. It does not take rocket science to figure some things out but sometimes people can not connect the dots for whatever reason.
As I gain followers and readers on here please know and understand I do not lable myself as some guru about life and have all the answer but often I have these ideals and thoughts flowing through me and this is a great form/tool to get it out. Some individuals keep everything bottled up inside, all their gifts, dreams, visions, and great ideals. I am the opposite I must get it out something inside of me keeps pushing me and honestly I can not shut it off. I have tried, I assume or believe it is my gift to uplift, share, motivate, and inspire. We all have gifts and talents in many different areas which is awesome because it makes this beatiful world go round and help keep it vibrant and very alive.
I am signing off for now. Stay kind, optimistic, keep a ton of joy with you, and guard your heart with all your might. If we leave our heart unprotected and allow any and everyone inside it can be very dangerous. Have a very blessed day and I look forward to sharing more writtings with you.
FYI, I am not a trained or gifted writer yet so do not be so rough on me as you will find errors possibly this is just a way to get things out my system, however I will make a effort to do my best (smile). I added a picture for the people who just randomly found this blog. Now you can put a face to the blogger. As I always say GB or God Bless!
Great start! Keep it flowin' fam!
ReplyDeleteRome thanks for always looking out. I still like you even after your boys jacked me a few years ago. Ha
DeleteYou should have been sleeping, especially after the epic ride you did today, but great blog! Everyone who knows you knows you are Captain Positive, so I am glad you have a platform for outreach.
ReplyDeleteThanks Megan I truly appreciate you and Chad. You are a too kind and such a sweet person. Never stop being awesome!